Wednesday, March 28, 2012

and now it's time for another good idea, bad idea.

I've realized recently that maybe we're not always the most conventionally good parents in the world. Evidence!

Good idea: Letting baby chew on an appropriate baby toy, like Sophia the Giraffe from Babies R Us.
Bad idea: Letting baby chew on an appropriate dog toy, like a giant red rubber bone.
We do take it away as quickly as possible,
but this child has a future in ninjary.
Good idea: Using the stroller or car seat for storage when shopping.
Bad idea: Using the stroller or car seat for storage when shopping for wine. 
She's never been soused. So that's a point for us, right?
Good idea: Inviting baby to a party.
Bad idea: Keeping baby at a party well past her bedtime.
Come on, though. How freaking cute.

Good idea: Kissing baby sweetly on the cheek.
Bad idea: Trying to eat the baby. 
Good idea: Bringing baby along to a busy restaurant.
Bad idea: Spinning baby around on the giant Lazy Susan on the table at a busy restaurant.

The good news is that Miss Eiley is fiercely loved. And it seems like that can make all those bad ideas still pretty okay. 

Except eating her. I never condone eating babies.


  1. love it. live and learn with lots of grace and love!

  2. This post made me laugh out loud. Like, several times.

    1. yessss. thanks for the encouragement, meredith. my mother in-law and grandmother's reactions were that they needed to get eiley away from me. ;)

  3. also, how did you get Seth Rogan to narrate your film? ;)

  4. Eiley and Sofia make my uterus itch. Also, I love how your blog talks about your kids and parenting often, but isn't devoted to that topic alone. Two thumbs up!

    1. the thought of your uterus itching simultaneously makes me laugh and shudder with ickiness, pattie sue. :)
