Wednesday, April 11, 2012

anything once: being a stage mom

Arabella and I like to watch Toddlers and Tiaras. I find it a fascinating study of a different and slightly disturbing culture, and Arabella finds it a fascinating study of how she can torture her potential future offspring - girl or boy. (Sidenote: The only boy I've ever seen on that show was in one clip where he danced a little bit then fell off the back of the stage. So sad. And so funny.)

I never really thought I'd end up in even a remotely similar position to the mothers on that show, but then Eiley was asked to be in a commercial with Jeff for a media production center, and the role was thrust upon me. 

We showed up at the studio right on time the day of the shoot, but I guess they hadn't taken into account the rather short amount of time that a baby can be awake and alert because they weren't ready to start filming until two hours after we'd arrived. So Eiley spent the first two hours crawling around, squealing and having a great time, and then basically crashed right when it was time for the cameras to roll. It wasn't a disaster or anything - she did just fine, in fact - but they could have had so much more cuteness from her. Alas. 

Anyway, I wasn't super stage momish or anything, but there was a bit more of me standing off camera, smiling as wide as I could at Eiley, throwing my energy in her direction, hoping desperately that something I was doing would get her to be calm, quiet, and adorable than I had initially anticipated. Looking back, I think I could have just stood in one place and stared at the ground and received a similar reaction from her, but I simply couldn't stop myself. Perhaps stage momery is some kind of illness. 

In conclusion, this is a first that I wouldn't mind repeating. Eiley had a good day out of the house with both her parents, we made a few dollars, and I found the preparation and filming process exceedingly interesting. And now, without further ado, the commercial:


  1. Too cute! Eiley is the best actor on the team!!!

    1. thanks, dana! i have to say that her daddy the vampire is the best actor, but i think she's pretty great too. she's definitely the cutest though. :)

  2. Vampire baby! It's like re-living the last Twilight.

    Also? This will be an awesome fact for Eiley to use, when she's older, in Two Truths and a Lie.

    1. oh man, kim. good point. maybe i should start doing things with her specifically so she has a ton of good truths.
