Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Dear Zoe, These are the blogs I'm following these days:

In response to your question, a disclaimer: I have recently been spending most of my free internet time on Words with Friends, doing the USA Today crosswords, looking at Orange County jobs/apartments (even though it's a bit too early to plan that stuff), or writing on here (obviously). Also, I don't have a ton of free internet time. But here are some of my favorites.

1. Stuff Christians Like. Us cool kids refer to this as "SCL" and refer to its author like he's a friend. As in "Jon said the funniest thing today..." Basically, he makes painfully truthful and hilarious observations about Christianity in America today. Except on Wednesdays. On Wednesdays he gets serious. It's good every day though. I'd like to tell you my favorite post, but that would be like choosing a favorite child, and we all know that I love Eiley and Buster equally.
2. I occasionally like to read I Hate Green Beans, which is basically just hilarious Bachelor recaps.
3. Hey, I love reading While You Were Napping too! 
4. I think The Dainty Squid is inspirational. I love to look at her bright, happy pictures, but I also just like glimpsing her way of life. She lives in a small town and enjoys going for walks, shopping at thrift stores, and hanging out with her pets. She does fun crafts for a living. I might be the slightest bit jealous of her (but only slightly because her pets are cats and cats are evil), and I wish I could pull off bright purple hair.
5. There are several silly blogs I enjoy, none of which deserves its own bullet point in this list. Cake wrecks is amusing, Not Always Right helps keep me patient at work because most of the people I deal with are smarter than those quoted on that site, and Awkward Family Photos is good for a quick chuckle. 

I'm finding the contrast of our blog lists pretty funny and telling here, Zoe. Especially since our writing is similarly dissimilar. You are thoughtful, pensive, poetic. I. am. silly. It's a lovely balance. 

In conclusion, I do not read the blog I'm about to link to, but I did read this one post and laugh quite possibly more than I've ever laughed at any written words so I thought it deserved a shout out on this post about blogs. Excuse her language and enjoy:

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