Thursday, January 5, 2012


I don't usually make New Year's Resolutions. I once read appalling statistics about the failure rate of resolutions, so I just figured it would be dumb to even try. But this year, something strange happened.

On January 1, I read this: (Summary: Girl decides to give up Facebook. Oddly enough, I saw this on Facebook. Hi, Caitlin!)

On January 2, I read this: (Summary: Dude is more creative and happy because he takes time to be quiet and avoids things like social media. Oddly enough, I saw this on Facebook too. Hi, Meredith!)

On January 3, I saw this:
(This was on Netflix. Nothing odd about that.)

You might be thinking that I interpreted this as "It's time to give up Facebook!" I didn't. Facebook is generally a positive thing for me because my family lives far away. I currently use it mostly to keep them updated on all things Eiley. I would be terrible at emailing pictures, but for some reason throwing them on Facebook is manageable. I feel no inner tug (which I like to call "Holy Spirit") telling me to quit it. 

My resolution, instead, turned to Eiley. Working full time and having a full time baby is not the easiest thing in the world, even with a husband who pitches in constantly. When Eiley is napping, I have to make work calls instead of taking a break myself. Therefore, I tend to be not the most attentive mother in the world. I'm not neglecting her or anything, but I just know I could be more selfless and offer her more attention. Instead of browsing Facebook several times a day, I could limit my intake to times when she is asleep and I'm not working. Instead of distracting myself with a TV show when no one else is home, I could turn on some music and find creative ways to interact with my child. Instead of going shopping for myself, I could stay home and read a book with Eiley. In return, I'm fairly certain she'll whine less since she enjoys an audience, just like her daddy. (That was a joke. He's not whiny - he's an actor.) 

So there you go. An official New Year's Resolution, though it's admittedly a little fuzzy since there is no measurable outcome. But it still counts. What are your resolutions, Lobsters?

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