Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Reader Topic Request: Hair Dye

Today's request comes from my friend Cecie, who is a super talented actress, seamstress, party host, friend, etc, etc. The second time Jeff and I hung out outside of the office was to paint Cecie's house, so obviously she had something to do with our marriage. Plus she and her husband are just super fun people. Proof:
Here they are stealing the cake at my wedding.
Anyway, this post is not about Mark and Cecie. It's about hair dye. Ready? Thoughts on hair dye:

1. It is sometimes awesome and iconic.
If you haven't seen Run Lola Run yet, you should. It's the best movie you'll ever read.
2. It can be abused.
Oh, no. No, no, no.
3. It can go accidentally wrong. Like when I went to "Fantastic" Sams to get "highlights" the summer before my junior year of college. I have this dumb issue with getting my hair done - I feel like it needs to be noticeable in order for me to get my money's worth. That's why I rarely get a trim; I just grow it until the split ends are ridiculous and then chop it all off. Sad. Anyway, same deal with the one time I professionally colored it. They asked what color I wanted as highlights, and I basically asked for the blondest of the blonde. They asked how much I wanted in there, and I asked for a lot. Therefore, this was my own fault:
Oh, no. No, no, no.
Okay, you really can't tell just how disastrous it was from this picture; however, I have proof that it was terrible. I think I've mentioned before that my mother is super supportive. Like, ridiculously supportive. But the day I came home with my "highlights" she said, "What happened?!" Not hello. Not something vague and diplomatic. Not even "well, it'll grow out." No, she went straight for "What happened?!" Yeah, it was that bad. Hair dye is not to be trifled with.
4. Sometimes it's just nice to be able to use it. I got my first gray hair about five years ago. I thought it was cool. It kind of stuck up in the back of my head, so I named it Al (short for Alfalfa, obviously). But now Al has a LOT of friends and it's not as cool. So I've been hiding them with the magic of dye.
5. It seems to be a Hollywood necessity. See? Even my celebrity BFF, Emma Stone, is into it.
I think of her as a redhead though.
And those are my thoughts on hair dye. Cecie, do you have anything to add? 

1 comment:

  1. i'm feeling a little offended that you didn't consult me on this topic.
