Monday, June 13, 2011

Movie Review Monday #4

All right, Lobsters. In this post, I will try to get you to watch one of my favorite films of all time, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. There are about a hundred reasons you should watch it, but I'll limit myself to the top 10. 

10. It's a mecca of 90s awesomeness - the clothes, the fact that Luke Perry (aka Dylan McKay)  is the lead actor, a quote that references Christian Slater as a heart throb, the music (yes, Toad the Wet Sprocket, yes!), and the intense stereotype of a "valley girl."
9. Joss Whedon wrote it. He is the brilliance behind Firefly and Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, among other things. He's hilarious.
8. Paul Reubens plays a vampire, which seems a way more appropriate role for him than Pee-Wee.
7. Ben Affleck has a cameo. Actually, Ben Affleck wasn't at all famous then, so he's just an extra. I don't actually love Ben Affleck, but I still find it funny.
6. There's a training montage that lasts about three minutes, after which Buffy is a fully-trained vampire killing machine. Impressive. This one is for my sister, who passionately loves sports montages. 
5. I loved the TV show too, and Sarah Michelle Gellar was a good Buffy, but Kristy Swanson was the original, and she was a stronger fighter and just as funny. 
4. Buffy's parents are amazing. They stay out late, don't care what Buffy does, forget her boyfriend's name, and say things like "Kiss noise!" as they're leaving. 
3. Three words: yellow leather jacket. Yeah.
2. Future Academy Award winner Hilary Swank says the line, "Get out of my facial." She's come so far.
1. It's better in every way than Twilight. Twilight can suck it. Pun intended.

Two claws up, lobsters! Go rent it today. 


  1. I also love your top ten lists! Speaking of montages... the graduation slide show at Andrew's school last week included two songs by Michael W. Smith.

  2. AWESOME. friends are friends foreeever if the Lord's the Lord of them!
