This was amazing on several levels:
1. Come on. One hour of a status update on facebook, two babysitting offers. Our community here provides excellent customer service.
2. Whitney brought her dog, so Buster was also wholly entertained.
Buster and Winston are totally BFF. |
3. Most importantly, less than one year ago, Whitney was at our baby shower and she held a sleeping baby Rhett. As soon as he woke up, Whitney looked a little uncomfortable and gave him back to his mother and we all laughed about it. But tonight - oh, tonight. Tonight, Whitney willingly gave up her evening to hang out with Eiley. She fed her, changed her, played freaking peekaboo with her! Amazing. Whitney, you are so brave, and I tip my hat to you. Or I salute you. Or something.
Whitney and Eiley, back when Eiley was still rather fetus-like. |
In conclusion, Hunger Games was just as good the second time. I even started to warm to Josh Hutchinson. My three claws remain up.
Apparently I did not warm to Josh Hutcherson enough to spell his name right though.