Nathan: This photo's a few weeks old. There are now two eggs. I just forgot to take a better photo when I raced out of the house today. This thing that I love about my garden is that other animals have found it a place of comfort and refuge. I get a lot of comfort from my garden and it's nice to see that for other things. It was a pair of doves that nested in this front hanging pot and another pair nested in a hanging pot in the back. Those are bromeliads in the pot (which will be a future email). With the massive walnut trees on our property we get a lot of birds. I love watching and listening to them all when I can get a chance. The hummingbirds, though ubiquitous, are my favorite. Do you get many hummingbirds around your apartment? When I lived in WA, we'd see them from time to time and I would say that they were fairly common, but at our house I think I see multiple hummingbirds nearly every time I go out in the garden.
Me: Awww...precious little eggs. Do you see the doves around often? I don't see a lot of birds around here at all. Our apartment complex is rather noisy - groundskeepers every Monday blasting unnecessary leaf blowers, oodles of lawn mowers, etc. I don't really want to live here as a human, so it's not surprising that we don't see a lot of birds. I do see Canadian Geese at school a lot. Sometimes they waddle across the street in front of me. If I'm in a hurry, I like to yell that the freaking Canadians are holding me up, but I secretly love them.
Nathan: Yeah, I used to see the doves every time I walked through the front or back door. I think that they've abandoned their nest though because I didn't see them in it all weekend. They were just hanging out on our
neighbors front lawn. Jerks. Just last Thursday, a pair of Canadian geese that roam the parking lots of my office had little babies. Their were four little fluffballs. They were too young to know that they are supposed to follow mama in a line. They kept bumping into each other and flopping over. It was entertaining.
I never knew geese could be so cute! Nathan, I love your comment about being glad other living things can find comfort in the refuge you've created. I think that must mean you are a good steward of your little bit of earth!