Wednesday, September 19, 2012

anything once: going to the dachshund races

I read about the dachshund races early this summer. I wanted to go immediately, but the timing just wasn't right - until last Sunday. 

There is a place called Old World in Huntington Beach, about two miles from where I live. Oddly enough, I'm fairly certain that this was my first time there. I'm not sure how to describe it. It was basically a little taste of Germany in Southern California with a touch of Mexico, and all set in the 90s. There was beer, lederhosen, and dachshunds galore.


Let's get straight to the actual experience:

1. I don't drink beer because I don't like the smell or the taste; however, that would probably have livened things up.
2. We (me, Mikkele, and her boyfriend/my new friend Teej) had to pay to get in. The guy selling tickets said it would be $15 for the three of us, but I had seen an ad that said it was $3 per person so I told Mikkele to mention it. She mentioned it, and he said the total was $6. That is either super shady, super poor math, or, as Teej hypothesized, the guy only spoke German and wanted to get rid of us.
3. It was very hot and there was little shade to be found.
4. The dachshund race lanes were surrounded by picnic tables. It was impossible to see anything! We tried three different angles and eventually settled on standing at the finish line where we could see the very last second of the race. That was amusing for two races, but certainly not a thrill. Based off of the time lapsed between the start of the race and the appearance of weiner dog snouts, I can posit that those were some speedy pups. Wooo.

Photo by Mikkele
5. They advertised $1 ice cream scoops. There was no ice cream anywhere. 

In conclusion, this was a first that was way cooler in my head than it was in real life, and I highly doubt I'll become a regular at Old World. 


  1. I've always wanted to go to this. Now I'm not so sure.

  2. Did you try the deep fried weenie dog on a stick? I heard it's an Old World Favorite.

    1. Anonymous is short for Uncle Dan!
