- "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away" wasn't scrolling, and I got SO excited for about three seconds, but NOOOOO...scrolly exposition is still here.
- Dooku continues to be a ridiculous name.
- Boom! Right into battle!
- I feel like I'm watching someone play a video game.
- If Amazon ends up using droids for deliveries, a rival service should use buzz droids to mess them up.
- If R2D2's head gets lopped off by that buzz droid, I'm going on Star Wars strike.
- Who's this skeleton robot? I've literally never seen this creature before, and he seems like a main character.
Photo from disqus.com - Whoa! The light saber's a walkie talkie to R2D2?! NEAT. It's a shame it's going to blow his cover.
- These robots' voices are the opposite of intimidating.
- R2D2 FIRE.
- Dooku starts the fight with a triple forward flip and sticks the landing. 10!
- "Twice the pride, double the fall." That sounds like a bad advertising slogan.
- Ewan appears to be squished.
- Anakin should have said "Dooku, don't lose your head" before he did that.
- This is a mean Chancellor.
- Wilhelm scream!
- If the ship is split open, wouldn't there be a distinct lack of gravity? How is all this falling happening? Scratch that. They'd all, like, implode and suffocate all the time if real space rules applied.
- Ruh-roh.
- General Grievous? Really phoned that name in, didn't we?
- It'd be useful for wizards to learn the Force. Obi Wan and Anakin essentially just performed "Accio Lightsaber" without wands.
- Why does Grievous have a cough and a cape? He's a robot.
- Ewan never falters in his positive spirit. He'd make a great Christmas elf.
- I hope they're going to visit some Ewoks or Yoda or something cute.
- R2D2 screams like a pansy girl.
- That ship looks like the monorail!
- Anakin's hair. Yeesh.
- President Santos! In a blue pimp coat!
- Padme still wants Anakin to be her super secret special friend.
- "I'm pregnant." "That's...................." way too long pause "..........wonderful."
- Oh, please. You cannot brush curls like that. They'd frizz into a mane.
- No, I'M so in love. No, I am! No, I AM. Gag.
- It'd be so great if this whole movie was just like, getting ready to be a dad...in space. Baby shower...in space. Going into labor...in space! And they just give up the battles and everything.
- Yoda!
- Now all I can think is that Frank Oz was on Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me and he came across a bit haughty. Haughty Yoda.
- Ooo Anakin's going to spy on the Chancellor. (I think of Chancellor Arnold from Beverly Hills 90210 every time I hear the word Chancellor.)
- Yoda's speech pattern is officially NOT endearing.
- I don't believe Samuel L. Jackson is part of this fictional world. He's just himself in a robe.
- Oh, Natalie. This is not your best work.
- Ominous music. What the heck are they watching? Looks like Cirque performed by giant goldfish (or sperm?) in large floating drops of water.
- How'd Chancellor know they wanted Annie to spy on him? This guy's a total creeper. Is he the Sith Lord in Grievous's hologram?!
- Wookies! Finally!
- Did that Wookie just do a Tarzan yell?
- I can't remember if Obi Wan is alive in the older movies. That last scene between Anakin and Obi Wan felt rather final.
- "I want more!" - Anakin so often sounds like a petulant child.
- Obi Wan is now riding a giant lizard that looks plucked directly from a mediocre show on SyFy.
- Oh, snap. That was a rad move, Obi Wan. Crashing that giant thing from the ceiling then casually lopping that robot's head off. A-.
- Wow! Grievous has a lot of arms!
- Extreme eye close-ups!
- Oh, no! Quick - Accio Lightsaber again!
- I think the Chancellor would be good friends with President Snow.
- Confirmed Sith Lord Chancellor!
- Grievous has a heart! Or something organic and squishy. That explains the cough.
- And now...an entire scene of Anakin and Padme staring out their windows.
- I'll bet those snakes on the plane aren't looking so bad now, Samuel L.
- Ew.
- Super poor choice, Anakin.
- Darth Vader! Imperial march! Get that boy a costume change!
- Man. Anakin decided to go to the dark side and now he's just all in.
- Mugatu, noooooo!
- Character from Avatar, nooooo!
- I usually like montages, but this one's depressing.
- Yoda with the double head chop!
- Yoda riding piggyback on Chewie. Adorbs.
- Is Anakin going to kill all these baby Jedis?!
- Phew, President Santos got away.
- Wookie communication is similar to Margot communication: Lots of adorable, meaningful head tilting.
- "Are you all right?" - Padme. Anakin's response should be "Oh, I'm fine. I'm just on a killing spree. NBD."
- Can't R2 tell Padme that Anakin has LOST IT?
- I wonder how many people Yoda has killed.
- I realize that Anakin's motivation is to keep his wife alive, but I have to say...dude is evil. He must have always had it in him. *I'm realizing that this is probably a great nerd debate and maybe not that simple, but it seems pretty clear to me.
- That alien looked like the witch's guards in Wizard of Oz.
- Did Obi Wan really not know who the father of Padme's kid was yet?
- At least Anakin is crying. That's a point for the "he's not all evil" side of the nerdebate.
- Padme's ability to run while pregnant is wildly unrealistic.
- Anakin's really hung up on comparing Padme to his mother.
- "You turned her against me!" He should stomp his feet when he says such things.
- Every time Yoda destroys guards with ease I giggle. Adorable violence.
- Poke him in the face so he has to wear a mask and breathe funny, Obi Wan!
- What's this electricity magic power? I'm guessing he doesn't use it more often because it makes him look...like that.
Darth Sidious? More like Darth Sidiyuck.
Photo from starwars.com - The prominent choral portion of the score makes me feel that we're reaching the end of this interminable fight scene.
- "It's over, Anakin. I have the higher ground." - Lorelai Gilmore's anger at this is not unreasonable.
- Anakin clearly never played hot lava as a child. So much burning!
- "Is Anakin all right?" NO.
- Lying flat on her back while pregnant. Was there not one mother on set to correct these little things?
- Hey, Anakin, silver lining: Your terrible, terrible hair is gone.
- So Luke and Leia must be twins. (A robot confirmed that three seconds after I wrote it. Neat.)
- That putting on the Darth Vader mask shot was COOL.
- Padme totally would have lived if Anakin hadn't gone all dark side in an effort to save her.
- "NOOOOOOOO!" Hehe.
- Padme's mortician has skillz.
I've never looked that good. And I'm alive.
Photo from www.rebelshaven.com - Surely this film will end soon. Ah, we're establishing the twins' lives.
- It's over!
In conclusion, this was the best of the newer films and I very nearly enjoyed it. Only one more, and then I'll have earned my right to see JJ's film!
You review is very informative. I think that this film is awesome. I recommend everyone to watch it!