Anyway, my only slightly more attainable dream job is to write novels for preteens. I see the books in the Young Adult section at Barnes and Noble, and I seriously feel ill. They all seem to have sex, drugs, and rampant cursing. And when they don't have those things, they are just poorly written. The majority also have vampires, but I am not totally opposed to vampires - they just tend to fall into the two prior categories of smuttitude or sad examples of "literature." My dream is to write good, moral Young Adult Fiction.
So now you're either thinking "Why not just do it?" or "Screw you, Twilight
To the first group of people, I'll tell you why. I struggle with plot and ending. I can build fairly strong characters, but then I don't know what they should do. I have come up with several stories, but I don't know how any of them end. I know the best remedy for this is to sit down and write, write, write and see what comes out of my fingers, but I don't know how to find the energy to do that. I love to write when I know what I'm writing. But writing nothingness to get to somethingness is exhausting. Does anyone relate to this? I also wonder if it's even possible to entertain today's young adults with anything other than sex, drugs, cursing, and poorly written vampires. I hope it's possible - I just don't know. They don't even sell Babysitter's Club in stores anymore. And apparently the twins from Sweet Valley High
To the second group of people, I read all four Twilight books. While reading, I constantly cringed at the cliches and the multitude of ways she described Edward's hotness and the amount of times Bella was sullen and melancholy. And yet I could not put the stupid books down. However, just because it was addictive does not mean it was well-written.
I've also dreamed of owning a small business - a book store or art shop or a candy store. Anyone want to finance me?
What's your dream job, Lobsters?
my dream is to build a library that serves as a community center. it would carry books i've written as well as the whole collection of wildly popular pre-teen novels signed by famous author, Emily Fazakerley. i could work out of there as a consultant to people starting up/running non-profits and social entrepreneur-y businesses. and i could carry a small case load of counseling clients.
ReplyDeleteMafia secretary. But I have also dreamed of being a SNL cast member. And the next Levar Burton (for "Reading Rainbow", not "Star Trek", though I did practice wearing a headband over my eyes).