1. I don't know how to say this nicely, so let's be blunt: There is no way that Shia LaBeouf's character would get one super hot girlfriend. There is even less way that he would get a second one who is also all supportive and loving and British. The actress was obviously hired for her ability to stand while the camera pans her body. This is something at which she excels. I admit it.
2. Speaking of that actress, she wears a white blazer and white tank top in the final fight scene, which lasts approximately most of the film. Magically, though she tumbles on the asphalt and presses herself against Shia's bloody face (because, you know, she's about a foot taller than him), it remains white until about three minutes before the film ends. At that point, there seems to be a speck of dirt on her blazer and a neat streak of dirt on her face. Makeup still impeccable.
3. During that final fight scene, Shia is tossed through the air, heavy machinery lands on him, he breaks through glass windows, he grabs a live electric wire, bombs explode feet away from him. He ends up with a scratch on his face. We probably should have discovered that he too is a robot at the end.
With all this said, we had a lot of fun watching this movie because:
1. Optimus Prime only speaks in inspirational speeches. You have to love that about a
2. The special effects were incredible.
3. There were a ton of fun familiar faces - Alan Tudyk from Firefly
In conclusion, if you're looking for a fun, mindless summer flick, you might enjoy this film.
One claw up!
4. There was a kid behind us who sounded like he was throwing up and it made us giggle for a minute. Puking is funny.