Friday, July 22, 2011

Out of town, in town

As someone with lots of long distance friends, I really love it when people make the effort to come visit me. To emphasize my appreciation, I do my best to show them a good time and make them feel like visiting me is a vacation and a treat. This often means that I end up seeing some of my city's greatest treasures only when I have visitors. Consequently, I end up feeling like I'm on vacation too, even though I never leave town. [This convenience makes a good case for living in vacation destinations - also makes for a great staycation opportunity!]

We had just one such adventure recently when one of my college roommates, and dear friends, Erin came to stay with us. Per my teaser with the most recent Snaptshot Saturday, I took advantage of the opportunity to explore Point Loma for the first time. I've felt a special obligation to see what San Diego thinks a lighthouse should look like, seeing as how we're moving to Maine, which seems to be the lighthouse capital of the country. I figured it would make a good point of reference. 

I felt like such a good mother, providing my child with such a beautiful experience.

But to be honest, I think the highlight of the visit for her, was playing with her toes while we wheeled her around in her stroller.

And despite the amazing view of downtown, the bay, the ocean, the historic lighthouse, etc. etc. etc., the sight I got most excited about was the artichoke plant in the garden by the lighthouse.

Had to capture the white picket fence for Emily - she loves them.

Green and purple are my favorite colors,
how beautiful together in one of my favorite foods! 

They've done up the lighthouse in the way it would have been arranged when the keeper and his family would have lived there [1800's]. Cute and quaint. But note in this shot below, something seems a bit out of place on the bed.

I don't think the lighthouse keeper in the 19th century kept
his laptop by his bed, but what do I know, I wasn't there. 

It was a thoroughly lovely day and a lovely way for Erin, Sofia and I to get some fresh air and exercise!

Sofia and I have such a good time together!

Sofia loves Aunt Erin!!

. . . So lovely, in fact, that I couldn't help but take advantage of the fact that the pass we paid to get in [a mere $5] was good for a whole week. So a few days later, when Manny got back in town, I took him and our friends Lexie and Jamie back to the Point for another lovely day! We revisited everything I'd already seen. And of course, I had to get a few more shots of my artichoke plant.

Thank you Massive Zoom,
for helping me capture the bee pollinating the plant!
But I pushed everyone to move nice and quick so I could get a chance to see other parts of the park as well. In addition to the great peninsula views, lighthouse, and artichoke plant, the park also has access to these beautiful tide pools.

Something isn't quite right when I feel like
the person in this warning illustration
looks like they're having lots of fun.

This time, we had dueling cameras capturing the sites.

I was smart enough to remember the ErgoBaby Carrier for this trip.
Much better flexibility in where we could explore.
But I'm sure poor Sofia missed her toes. 
Hard to appreciate in this shot,
but Lexie's outfit to go hiking in was so adorable.
Breezy white top, cute denim shorts, and a great red belt around her waist.
She never fails to look great, no matter the occasion!
Lobsters, if you're planning on visiting or living in San Diego anytime soon, I agree with all the hype and highly recommend this park as a great worthwhile visit, even twice in one week!

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