Saturday, July 30, 2011


My sister is getting married today!  She reads this blog (though maybe not today), so I thought here might be a good place to give her some advice about marriage and wish her well. The only problem is that marriage advice is so cliche. It's all been said. Oh well, let's go over the top seven:

1. Go on dates. Specifically, I recommend going clubbing. Or to the driving range. Or to my house to babysit. Nothing keeps the spark alive like babysitting together and not getting paid for it.
2. Never go to bed angry. I personally don't see how anyone can go to bed angry. Then you just end up laying in bed thinking and seething, and bed is neither for thinking nor seething. It's for sleeping. And other things. Meow.
3. Pick your battles. Not worthy battle: How to squeeze the toothpaste out of the tube. Worthy battle: Getting him to admit that cats are inferior to dogs. 
4. Never stop getting to know each other. We humans change all the time. It's crazy. So keep getting to know each other. Make time for conversation every day. Suggested topics: Favorite types of cheese. Actors you think could portray each other in a Lifetime movie reenactment of your relationship. Monkeys.
5. I hope you dance. This advice is good for both marriage and life.
6. Make Jesus the Center of your relationship. And I mean the Savior, Christ, Counselor, Redeemer. Not the waiter from Three Amigos, as awesome as he is.
7. Believe in whales. This is special advice just for you, Sissy.

I love you, Jenna! I'm so glad you found someone who makes you happy and with whom you can share your life. You are an amazing woman of God, a beautiful servant, a super auntie, a top notch speller, and the best sister I've ever had. Ever. Andrew is a lucky man, and you are going to blow him away with your hottness today.

Happy Wedding Day!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! This was simultaneously hilarious and touching. I'm glad I got to read most of it right before the wedding. I didn't see the top notch speller part until today because I had to rush through the last paragraph before the wedding... I'm sad you didn't get to be there in person when I laughed out loud about that one. Also, his answer to 4b is Neil Patrick Harris, because he was mistaken for him a lot when he was a teenager. I'm still thinking about who mine should be. And, I'm all for 1c.
