Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sabbath Sunday #2: Lonestar Relaxation

And the Lord saith "Thou shalt not update thy blog on the Sabbath." 

And Emily and Zoe agreed and scheduled an update in advance and will continue to do so every Sunday.

This week, I'm observing the Sabbath by kickin' back in my home state of Texas with a visit to see my family. I plan on enjoying some rocking chairs, BBQ, hammocks, fresh lavender plants, and the peace of the countryside. 

How did you Sabbath it up today, Lobsters?

1 comment:

  1. I kind of failed at Sabbath Sunday and helped some friends move. But my Saturday was totally Sabbathed out. Slept in, went to Barnes and Noble with my husband for almost three hours (finished Bossypants!), and did a lot of sitting on the couch watching HIMYM. God is so cool for mandating rest. :)
