Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Children's Books Take Three: In a Blue Room

In a Blue Room ~Jim Averbeck, illustrated by Tricia Tusa

This is one of the sweeter nighttime books I've ever come across. We used to read Goodnight Moon to Sofia every night, and now In a Blue Room has replaced it. Somewhat for variety, somewhat because Sofia's growing out of Goodnight Moon, and somewhat because I think it's just better. But something tells me I might draw some flack for that statement.

Alice does not want to go to bed in anything but a blue room. Her mother very calmly brings in sleep aids that stimulate all of her senses, but each thing contradicts Alice's demands for blue. As bedtime draws nearer, the lights eventually click off, and all the colors of her sleep aids are blanketed in a "pale blue light." I love the creative concept, the soothing poetic language, the model of a mother who can stay calm through a stressful daily routine (an encouragement to me!), and the magical illustrations. Much like Goodnight Moon, it's natural to memorize the entire text. And I can testify that the calming example has literally encouraged my support of Sofia through challenging bedtimes, as well as her ability to focus, calm, and relax on similar sorts of nights.

After our library due date ran out, I had to buy our own copy because I simply could not let it go. I can't seem to get enough of this one!

1 comment:

  1. i'm going to be honest: i just read goodnight moon for the first time at the library last week, and i was fairly unimpressed. i prefer goodnight ipad, personally.
