Tuesday, October 23, 2012

eight days to my goal deadline

Let's take a look again at the five goals I made nearly three months ago:

Make FIVE phone or skype calls to keep in touch with long distance pals.

Well, I'm failing here. I have skyped with Shep and Tab twice and we called them another time. I also keep in touch with Chadley via work chat. I skyped into my brother in-law's 30th birthday party, but I don't really count family. If I did count family, I've skyped with my sister oodles of times. Also, I saw Nathan and Annie, who are totally long distance friends, for church and lunch a few weeks ago. But really, I'm failing at this one. Bum.

Have FOUR new anything once experiences.

One, two, two and a half, three. That's 75%. A solid C, which is technically passing.

Write THREE posts per week.

I've posted 17 times since the original goal post (ha - goal post), some of which shouldn't count. It has been 12 weeks. Therefore, I'm running an average of about 1.4 per week. That's 47%. A solid D, which is technically passing in some schools. I hang my head in shame.

Complete TWO works - hopefully finish the play I've started and write a children's book or even just a poem.

Let's see. I've completed zero works. That is an epic fail. I did come up with a great idea for a novel though, and I wrote the first two pages of that. So, yeah.

Move into ONE apartment, for goodness sake.

YES. I did this one! We are now living in a townhome in Westminster, and this has been my excuse reason for most of the aforementioned failure. Before we moved, I was spending all of my energy in locating an apartment. Then we moved, and I was spending all of my energy in moving. And now that we're starting to get settled, I'm writing this post. Blam. Back in the swing of things. 

Anyway, I do still have eight days, so I might be able to squeeze a few more things in here and there. We shall see. 


  1. I was just thinking about your today because I want to write an "Anything Once" post for you. I could probably even do it in the next 8 days. Will that bump you up to a B?

  2. This could be a fun 8 days for all of us if you buckle down. You've got Halloween in there to mix things up too. You can do it!!
