Tuesday, September 11, 2012

the top five reasons i want an iphone

I have been phoneless for over three weeks now. Luckily I have a patient husband who is willing to relay messages to me (although last night he added something like "oogityoogityboogah" at the end of a text to a friend and he claimed it was from me), and I'm practically one with my computer throughout the day. So I'm not dying or a hermit or anything, which is why "want" is in the title here and not "need." I'm being realistic, folks. No one needs an iPhone. However, this morning was rough, and I blame my lack of cell phone. 

Here are the top five reasons I want an iPhone, most of which are brought to you by my crappy last two hours:

5. Eiley had her first California doctor's appointment today. This doctor is part of a pediatrics group, and it turns out they have two offices on one street. I went to the wrong one, which was an urgent care location only open in the middle of the night so I couldn't even ask for directions. I felt harried as I tried to decide which way to go on the same street, praying that the second office was nearby so I wouldn't be too late for our appointment. If I had an iPhone, I could have Googled and GPSed and not stressed.

4. Apparently, in my rush to strap Eiley back into her seat and peel out to find the correct office, I dropped her immunization record in that parking lot. People, I was so proud of myself for having that on hand, so when I arrived at her appointment and it was missing, I was crushed. I'm sure I looked insane, tossing everything around in our car, shouting "FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE!" If I had an iPhone, I could have pulled up my email and had the record on hand that way.

3. The doctor's forms asked for Jeff's Social Security Number, which I don't have memorized. If I'd had a phone I could have texted him about it. This one was not a big deal.

2. During the appointment, I was asked about Eiley's eating habits. She eats sporadically and usually from our plates, so I didn't know all the answers about how often and exactly how much she eats, and this stressed me out a little bit on top of already feeling everything from the rest of the morning. Then she got a shot and apparently she moved a tiny bit and got a scratch on her leg and she cried a lot, and this compounded the stress. And then they asked for my prior doctor's fax number so they could get her records, and this happened:

"I lost that immunization record with my prior doctor's fax number on it. I've given you his name and street address though." - Me
"Yes, but we need the fax number." - Nurse
"Do you have the internet here?" - Me, increasingly annoyed
"Yes, but we need the fax number." - Nurse
"Okay, would you like me to go home, Google the doctor, and then call you with the fax number?" - Me, super super rude
"We have to have the fax number." - Nurse

Guys, I'm talking end of Beaches, beginning of beloved pet's funeral tears here. At this point, I was medium frustrated that she wouldn't just take three seconds to look up a fax number, but I was mega mad at myself for resorting to using mean-spirited sarcasm on her. I apologized profusely through sobs, and the doctor herself came out and looked the fax number up on her iPhone (which she showed me and said, in a tone normally reserved for her clients, "See this? It's like a little mini computer!"). Clearly my number 2 reason for wanting my own little mini computer is to prevent anything resembling that scene from unfolding ever again. Embarrassing.

1. Instagram. Obvs.


  1. Ditto. I'm getting an iphone this weekend! Hooray. You should join in on the fun.

    1. Me too! Hurray for the iPhone 5 reducing the price of the 4s!

    2. My logic EXACTLY. Although once I get to the store, I know that I might not be able to resist the 5. New toys are so fancy.

  2. Wishing we had the extra cash to shell out for an internet capable phone for me. Sigh... the hubs will have to be the tech savvy one for now. I had to call one friend for better directions yesterday when I got lost and then was too embarrassed to call her back with another internet-dependent question. So I called my sister 1500 miles away who could get on FB for me to communicate to the stranger I was supposed to meet for a toddler costume pick-up and who never showed. I was really wishing for an iPhone yesterday!!

    1. Oh man, Libby! We have had to use our phone a friend lifeline many times too! How frustrating that your trek ended in a no show too. Sad.

  3. oh my heavens, Pyg! I'm so sorry you had such an awful experience! sometimes medical professionals can be real jerk faces. it makes me super mad. i've burst into tears in so many medical offices it's ridiculous. i'm excited for you getting an iphone soon though, i am not sure i could mommy without it, it really is a life saver. can't wait to see you on instagram! :)
