Wednesday, September 5, 2012

anything once: watching a movie which has its soundtrack removed and replaced by a live symphony

On Saturday evening, Jeff and I went with a group of friends to watch the first Pirates film at Verizon Amphitheater. Pretty cool, right? Well, it gets cooler: The soundtrack was removed and the Pacific Symphony played the music live in sync with the film. Mind. Blown. Just so you can get it right if you have the chance to do this too, here is a guide to recreate my evening.

Seven Steps to an Amazing Summer Night: 

1. Acquire a friend who works for the symphony and can score you and a bunch of friends free tickets. Bonus points if said friend happens to also be a nice guy with mostly great taste in books, an awesome wife, and the second cutest pup of ever.
2. Make sure the event is held at a huge outdoor amphitheater. The night becomes extra amazing when shared with 12,000 others. If possible, go when there's an almost full moon. It really adds to the ambiance.

3. Show up right as the lights go off so you don't even have to wait a minute for the fun to begin.
4. Watch the movie, obviously, but be sure to glance down at the symphony once in a while. I specifically enjoyed watching the conductor and the choir. It blew my mind when the symphony was spot on during moments where the music needed to be precise and specific. And the choir was just neat - I didn't realize how much choral work went into that score.
5. Sit directly behind a special teenager who is wildly passionate about Pirates. His enthusiasm will be infectious, and you may even find it endearing when he dramatically checks to make sure his armpits don't stink right in the middle of all the swashbuckling.
6. Bring wine, cheese, crackers, chocolate, a fuzzy blanket, and a good lookin' man.
Wearing a themey shirt is optional.
7. Share your spirits with the strangers around you. It'll make their night and improve yours.

In conclusion, this is a first I definitely want to repeat. I'm hoping they do Harry Potter next year.

Many thanks to Will and Kristi for making the evening possible, and thanks to Dannae for the pictures!


  1. This is the coolest thing ever. Ever ever ever ever ever. I'm putting it on my calendar for next year!

    1. What the heck. I commented on this yesterday. I think I said something like "It really was the coolest thing and I hope you do get to go next year." Man, nothing like having to retype a comment to realize how boring it was.

  2. Great shot of the moon - those are hard to capture! :)

  3. This sounds sweet! How much were tickets if, say, you couldn't make fast friends with someone in the orchestra?

    1. Our seats would have been $60, but I think we were in pretty awesome ones.
