Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sabbath Sunday

This morning, I feel like a computer that has been on power save mode because my battery was low and I was not connected to a power source, and suddenly someone just plugged me in, and I could return to full screen brightness. I sort of had a full night of sleep for the first time in over two weeks and I feel like a whole new person. God designed for us to rest for really really good reasons, did He not? Thank you God for rest!!

Thankfully, Sofia is also resting now (though that means I don't get to go to church this morning :(  ). It is a beautiful, sunny, blue day outside. So in addition to a few chores, I'm hoping we can enjoy some outdoor beauty today, maybe get a glimpse of the ocean? As I said, my power source is renewed, my hopes are high!

How are you spending this first Sabbath of Lent, Lobsters?

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