So it is 2:54 pm and I think I just might make it. Manny usually get home just after 5 (thank God for his super short commute and flexible hours), and some days, I'm just watching that clock, calculating, "can I make it another two hours and five minutes?" And today, I think I just might.
The longest stretch of sleep I've gotten all week was a glorious five hours that ended with a 4 am wake up call. No other stretch throughout the week even got to four hours. We've got a virus going around the house and three canines plowing through my little girls mouth [as I read that I realize I should clarify that I mean teeth, not dogs, yikes] and it. has. been. rough.
I was pretty zen about it earlier in the week, compared to previous teething nightmares. But after several days of this, it has just been catching up to me and I'm worn thin. I think I passed my breaking point a few days back and I'm not sure what to call where I am anymore. Today, there are three things that have gotten me to where the end of this week if finally in sight:
1) Good Theology.
I just finished reading an awful awful book that details the entire history of the Mormon church in the most sordid manipulative fashion and the whole experience left me feeling dirty and sad. I had my reasons for reading it, it remains to be seen whether they could have possibly been worth it. But praise God, that book ended. And shortly after it ended, I got to meet with my bible study gals and get excited about Good theology and a Good God for hours into the night. With my reading schedule open and my excitement peeked, I powered through all of Leslie Newbigin's A Walk through the Bible
yesterday [the whole story of the bible summed up in about 80 pages, why don't I read this like every month? so good!], and launched into some N.T. Wright this morning. Truth and Light are so refreshing. Amen.
2) Justin Beiber.
Like the good, loyal little Lobster that I am, after reading Emily's post on Never Say Never, I added the movie to my queue. And this morning, after getting up with Sofia in the night three times and then not being able to get her down for a nap, I was at the end of my rope, so we had a little Mama-daughter dance party to the Beibs. You gotta have some fun, laughs, and tears to get you through from one day to the next! So embarrassed that this documentary, of all documentaries, could make me cry, but there it is. Remember how I said I haven't gotten much sleep this week?
3) My Long Distance Lobster.
After weeks of failed attempts, Emily and I finally managed to Skype today so our girls could see each other wearing lobster hats I got them for Christmas. There was nothing wildly substantial about our call, but connecting with an old friend in and of itself can be sustenance. I continue to be so entertained and encouraged by working on this project of a blog with you, Pyg, thank you.
3:09 pm. One hour, fifty-one minutes to go.
I started reading an NT Wright book today too! Love that. Maybe we could have a skype book club in our future....
ReplyDeleteOoo fun! Which one are you reading? I'm working on surprised by hope.