Friday, February 10, 2012

The First Ever Lobster Contest! Day Five.

If you missed the last three days, you can check them out here, herehere, and here. K, ready? ROUND THE LAST!

1. I used to be a certified archery rangemaster. 
2. I ate what I thought was bull's tail and turned out to be bull's testicles in Spain.
3. I slept at a bus stop in Ciampino Italy one windy night.

1. The first summer after college, I was flown by private jet to be an au pair to a family with three girls in Colorado.
2. While I have ridden sail boats, motor boats, jet skiis, etc., I am actually really afraid of open waters. 
3. I missed a flight from Rome to the U.S. because my sister dropped a bottle of wine in the train station and we couldn't catch our connections on time. 

UPDATE: To learn the truth about our lies and learn who won the contest, read the full reveal post here.