Friday, February 24, 2012

Reader Request: The best things about being married to an actor

Today's request comes from Amy Dunlap, who I look up to like crazy. She's an amazing mom, student, actress, theater department worker (I don't know her title, but she does stuff), and general person. I hope to be much like her when I grow up, in that she's super fun and I suspect hasn't fully grown up. Anyway, on to the post!

I am married to an actor, and I love it. I mean, obviously I love him and I would love him no matter what profession he chose (well, I guess there are a couple exceptions to that too, no offense to you assassins out there), but I think his choice of acting is especially fun. Reasons:

1. I get to go to shows for free fairly often. I have always loved theater, so this worked out well. 
2. Helping him run lines makes me a better person. I have a nasty habit of correcting people. This is something I dislike about myself, and something I try not to do. I love that I get to run lines with Jeff because it's one time that correcting him is totally acceptable and even appreciated. It kind of helps me get some of that need to correct out of my system.
3. It gives us plenty to talk about. It used to drive me crazy when we'd see a show and Jeff and his friends would rip the production to pieces, criticizing or praising every little bit. But now I've learned how to play that game too, and it's fun to bounce our opinions off of each other. And since Jeff's an actor, he usually has extra insight to provide.
4. He has to be well groomed. For the most part, I get a well groomed husband because his job calls for it. Although sometimes this point backfires, and we end up with this: 
(Thanks to David Polston for the photo.)
or this:

but most of the time, I get something like this:
Yesssss. So much hot.
5. I get complimented often. Just yesterday, someone was telling me that Jeff's performance of Tartuffe was so incredible and he's amazing and what a great actor, etc. And she was saying it to me like I had something to do with it. So obviously, I said thank you. I mean, I married the guy, so I guess I can take some credit. Right? Riiiight.
6. Life is an adventure. Sometimes it freaks me out that we don't really know what's coming up next for Jeff. In fact, I'd say that most of the time it freaks me out a bit. But there are moments, wonderful moments, when I get excited. Jeff is talented, and I believe he could play any role and play it well. It's exciting to imagine what could lay ahead for him. 
7. I have a husband who follows his passion. Above all, I love being married to a guy who is willing to step out in faith and do what he has always been called to do. He knows that acting isn't the most secure job in the world, so he's hoping to teach as well (which is something he also happens to love). But he wants to continue to act no matter what else he's doing because that's the gift that God gave him. 

In conclusion, I wholly recommend marrying an actor. It's neat.


  1. Replies
    1. I've never married a musician before, but I dated one and it wasn't that great. I suspect things would be different with a ginger musician though.

  2. Encore! However, I strongly suggest marrying the other side of theatre... stage managers. They have many beneficial skills, including one thing that Will particularly excels at: sexiness.

  3. Assassins, ha! Also, in the "so much hot" picture, I can totally see Eiley. This is a first because I usually think she's mini-you.
