Monday, June 4, 2012

Movie Review Monday #50: The Avengers (emily edition)

Zoe, I came on here to write a review of The Avengers, and I saw you had already done that! Well, I thought I'd share my two cents as well. Thoughts:

1. Between Katniss (Hunger Games), Merida (Brave), and Hawk Eye (The Avengers, obviously), archery is so in right now. This makes me happy. I especially enjoyed Hawk Eye's moment shooting blindly off to the right and hitting his target. Jeremy Renner is such an unexpectedly awesome action hero, and I look forward to his upcoming Bourne series, even though Matt Damon will always be tops in my book.
2. I loved Heidi Moneymaker's performance. Oh, you've never heard of her? Yeah, she was Scarlett Johansson's stunt double. Some of her fight scenes were so delightfully improbable and simultaneously exhilarating that I giggled with joy. Scarlett was okay in some of her scenes too I guess.
3. The mix of explosions, aliens, lore, and humor was delightful. It was truly impressive that they were able to get at all in depth in the backgrounds of the heroes while also telling a story. Sure, it wasn't a terribly original story, but there was a story. And those explosions I mentioned were freaking awesome. 
4. So Ashley Johnson played the waitress in this film, and I got super distracted by that. She was basically a featured extra, but she's so recognizable that I felt like she must have had a larger role and her scenes got cut. Did anyone else get sidetracked by seeing her?
5. Most importantly, this film was written and directed by Joss Whedon. Joss, if you are reading this, I want you to know that I am not a bandwagon Joss follower. I have loved your work since I was 9 years old and watching Buffy. I have faithfully watched nearly all of your work, and I will continue to do so. After a particularly flowery dialogue between Thor and Loci, I thought "Joss is surely going to mock their way of speaking," and not minutes later, Iron Man says "Shakespeare in the Park? Doth mother know you weareth her drapes?" It wasn't a predictable line, but I felt like I was hanging out with a friend and had an idea of the type of joke he'd make. Also, Joss, if you are reading this please tell me so I can completely freak out.

In conclusion, I too give The Avengers two claws up. That's a total of four claws with Zoe's added in. Go see The Avengers! (Who am I kidding? I think Zoe, Manny, Jeff and I were the last four people to see that film. I honestly wanted to explain myself to the ticket seller when we went to see it.)

1 comment:

  1. Re 1: I loved the Legoloss crack from ironman
    Re 4: yes!

    Lol. I just knew in my gut this would happen! You've had a crazy month, and I knew someone in CA would make it possible for y'all to get away for a movie. And it was our first theater movie all year, so I was too excited to get to write a fresh review. We had such different things to say though, eh. It's almost like we got to have a long distance double date, and then chat about it after ;)
