Friday, May 25, 2012

[Best of Year One] and now it's time for another good idea, bad idea.

[Originally posted: Wednesday, March 28, 2012]

I've realized recently that maybe we're not always the most conventionally good parents in the world. Evidence!

Good idea: Letting baby chew on an appropriate baby toy, like Sophia the Giraffe from Babies R Us.
Bad idea: Letting baby chew on an appropriate dog toy, like a giant red rubber bone.
We do take it away as quickly as possible,
but this child has a future in ninjary.
Good idea: Using the stroller or car seat for storage when shopping.
Bad idea: Using the stroller or car seat for storage when shopping for wine. 
She's never been soused. So that's a point for us, right?
Good idea: Inviting baby to a party.
Bad idea: Keeping baby at a party well past her bedtime.
Come on, though. How freaking cute.
Good idea: Kissing baby sweetly on the cheek.
Bad idea: Trying to eat the baby. 
Good idea: Bringing baby along to a busy restaurant.
Bad idea: Spinning baby around on the giant Lazy Susan on the table at a busy restaurant.

The good news is that Miss Eiley is fiercely loved. And it seems like that can make all those bad ideas still pretty okay. 

Except eating her. I never condone eating babies.

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