Monday, August 15, 2011

Movie Review Monday #13: Shades of Ray

I've been spending a lot of time in front of Netflix Instant lately. A lot. (To be precise, it takes Eiley about an hour total to eat, and she eats about 8 times a day, and a lot of those feedings are spent in front of Netflix.) I've discovered many new shows and already watched every episode of Parks and Recreation, 30 Rock, Samantha Who?, and Better Off Ted. I heartily recommend all of these shows. Claws up everywhere.

We don't watch a ton of movies on Netflix, but Jeff and I did recently check out Shades of Ray, an independent film starring Zachary Levi. He plays a half Caucasian, half Pakistani man. The film is mostly about him trying to figure out what it means to be such a unique racial mix and what that means within his family. Observations:

1. This film reminded me a bit of My Big Fat Greek Wedding, in that it was mostly a comedy with some brief touching moments and it provided a little bit of insight into a different culture (in this case, Pakistani Muslim) and a lot of insight into a particular family.
2. The best friend in this film was super cliche: Best friend since childhood and now they're roommates, kind of a screw up, comedic relief, blah blah blah. Well, I suppose that's a cliche for a reason - I still liked the character. The writer in me just got a little annoyed at the contrivance at times. Am I allowed to be a screenwriting snob when I've never even tried to write a screenplay? No? Oh well.
3. Seriously, Zachary Levi has my husband's career. I mean, I've always thought that Jeff looks slightly Middle Eastern, and there Zach was, playing a half Middle Eastern dude. 
Do you see it? Slightly Middle Eastern...slightly.
Maybe when we move back to California we can stalk Mr. Levi and Jeff can go to all of the same auditions. Or maybe he'll need an actor to play his brother at some point. Zachary Levi, if you're reading this, please leave some work for my husband. We have a kid. Have mercy.

In conclusion, this was an entertaining film. Nothing outstanding, but worth the time. I give it one and a half claws up. 

1 comment:

  1. Like a good obedient lobster, I promptly sat down and watched this film. Pretty enjoyable - but no, it did not blow my mind or anything. Worthwhile tip though. Thanks, Pyg!
