Wednesday, August 17, 2011

It's All in God's Timing - The Tale of a Cliche Come to Life

Once upon a time, I enrolled in the Master of Arts in Screenwriting program at Regent University. I receive tuition remission, so we would only have to pay taxes on a degree that would help me come closer to my goal of writing for a living. I worked full time and planned to take a full load of classes, so I felt nervous about the amount of busting my butt that would happen, but even more, I felt excited to stretch my creativity muscles.

On the first day of class, I made an effort to contribute to the classroom conversation (so not my thing). The professor was awesome, as were my fellow classmates, and the class whizzed by quickly. However, at the end of the class, I felt completely unsettled. Something in me was telling me to quit, this wasn't the time, I shouldn't be in the program, I needed to withdraw, withdraw, withdraw. 

I. was. crushed.
I felt like this post needed a picture, so here is me looking upset. In 2009.
Okay, I really just wanted to post a picture of myself looking thin and tan.
Vanity in a post about God!
I had worked hard to assemble all the admissions materials to get into the program. I had rearranged my work schedule. I had told many people about this new endeavor. I had thought that this was going to give me a bigger sense of purpose in Virginia. I had even purchased a brand new computer. But I could not ignore the intense feeling that I needed to stop immediately. (Spoiler alert: That "feeling" was actually the Big Guy - the Holy Spirit itself, speaking in a freaking loud voice instead of a still small one.) 

Fast forward to a couple of months later when my husband knocked me up. What?! If I had remained in the graduate program, I would have finished my first semester and then had to quit, thus losing a lot of time and money. I would have been even more heartbroken to have to end something into which I'd invested a difficult semester's worth of energy. And I would have been heartbroken while pregnant, which would have compounded the disappointment because of all the crazy hormones. 

I don't know if you're a believer, Lobster, but I sure am. God's timing has blown my mind many times, and this is a prime example. Anyone else have a good example? Either leave it in the comments or send it to us as a guest post - we'd love to share it with everyone in internet land. 

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