Anyway, all that to say, Bridesmaids
Okay, now that I've disclaimered the crap out of this post already, on to the actual review:
Bridesmaids was the funniest film I've seen in recent memory. Top five things I liked:
1. Kristen Wiig, who played Annie, was her usual spazzy self, but she also had moments of normalcy and natural emotion to balance the crazy. She's not going to be nominated for an Oscar or anything, but I was surprised at her versatility.
2. This is one of those movies where everything goes wrong for the main character. That usually annoys me like whoa (see any of the Meet the Parents films for an understanding of this phenomenon), but somehow this film pulled it off. You root for Annie, but it's not exasperating when she falls.
3. The friendship between Annie and Lillian (Maya Rudolph's character) is completely believable. Friends since childhood, you see that they have changed and don't technically have a lot in common anymore. But their friendship is still something they rely on heavily. It's nice. Plus Kristen and Maya are freaking awesome.
4. Golden retriever puppies wearing pink berets. Yep.
5. Melissa McCarthy. Wow. Look, I'm partial because I'm slightly obsessed with Gilmore Girls, but she was not playing Sookie St. James in this film. She was playing an icky, kind of manly, oddly kind, super bendy bridesmaid who willingly wore some of the least flattering clothing ever. It was bold. She also had an incredible monologue about falling off a boat and a dolphin that spoke to her soul. Or something. I don't know, but whatever she said made my eyes water from funny.
In conclusion, I give this film a claw and a half up because I'd feel a little dirty giving it two full claws up. See it if you dare.
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