Thursday, November 1, 2012

random update

  • I like our new townhome because: 
    • It's spacious.
    • It's two stories so I'm forced to exercise a wee bit each day on the stairs.
    • It's located less than two miles from
      • In-n-Out
      • Westminster Mall
      • Target
      • Free babysitting My aunt's house
      • An awesome park that will be extra awesome next summer because it also has a splash park
    • There's a gated grassy area right outside our door so Buster can frolic at will.
    • We have a washer and dryer so I can just do laundry all the time. WOOOO!
  • While showering this morning, I used a new pomegranate body wash. It looked and smelled like a delicious daiquiri. I resisted taking a sip.
  • My dad discovered a children's poem called Colonel Fazackerley Butterworth-Toast. I love it.
  • Our Halloween was kind of a bust. A local church advertised this huge totally free event with In-n-Out, Chick-Fila, free games, free candy, free children's rides, and more. We headed on out there and discovered that Eiley is still just a little too small for all that (it would have been an awesome event for us otherwise!). So after 20 minutes of driving and 20 minutes of parking, we stayed for about 20 minutes (just in time to get some hot dogs because the other food lines looked hours long). It was, however, a great excuse to dress Eiley up as an old lady, and we stopped by my aunt's house on the way home, which was also fun. 
  • Pumpkin chocolate chip muffins are amazing.
  • My grandmother gave me a plant last week. It is already withering. I truly have a black thumb.
That's all for now! 


  1. Ummm... that outfit just made my life. Are you on Instagram? If so, email me your username!

    1. done. and i'm glad you appreciate her awesome jogging suit too.

  2. That poem rocks. And so does Eiley. Adorable.

    1. i agree, micaela. i read that poem out loud. when no one else was in the room. i also agree that eiley rocks, obvs. you too rock, fyi.

  3. I dont think your thumb is blacker than mine. I have killed a succulent. Twice.

    1. i too have killed a succulent. we are less nourishing than deserts. sigh.

  4. Lucky Eiley! She gets to go to the same free babysitter that we did. On another note, I realized after I posted on facebook yesterday that you showed me that jogging suit before leaving Virginia... I don't know how I forgot that she was going to wear it this year. She looks so adorable, as usual, and that picture is cracking me up!
