Tuesday, August 7, 2012

and then my life flashed before my eyes.

Last week, my mom and I were pondering what our lives flashing before our eyes would look like. What scenes would appear, what moments would be plucked from our memories. I immediately began listing the happy stuff. I think I'd see:

  • Jeff smiling and weeping profusely at the end of the aisle on our wedding day.
  • A group of about eight people crowded around a long table in the camp dining hall at midnight, playing a vicious game of Rat Slap.
  • Running around with Tabitha in a parking lot in the pouring rain during a hurricane.

  • Slow dancing with Jeff next to a waterfall by Disneyland and sharing our first kiss.
  • Reading High Fidelity aloud to Zoe and replacing the f-bombs with the word monkey our sophomore year of college.
  • Hanging out at Denny's with my sister and our friends from camp and realizing that my sister and I were becoming - gasp - friends.
  • Slamming down one perfect kill in volleyball my junior year of high school.
  • Singing and dancing with a group of women in Tanzania.
  • Mikkele randomly bringing over a cake, insisting that Jeff serve it, then crying laughing as we realized she'd baked in the clock.
  • Gazing into Eiley's eyes the minute she was born, while trying not to look at all her gooey yuckiness.
  • My parents surprising my sister and I with a night at the Disneyland Hotel when we were very young.
  • Eating chicken nuggets and swimming all day when my Grandma would housesit for her friends each summer.
  • Watching Derek Fisher sink a game winning 3 pointer with .4 seconds on the clock. I realize this didn't happen to me, but the amount of joy I felt watching that at Lamppost Pizza amongst a bunch of sports bar dudes was immense.
  • Dancing the night away with Jeff at his senior year theatre banquet, aware that we were lanky and silly and not caring a whit.
  • Tiffany and I playing with a cheap little toy after kid's church one evening and finding it hilarious to yell at it. 
  • Making Eiley belly laugh.
  • Hearing the distinctive thunk of an arrow hitting the target on the archery range at camp.
  • Reverse trick-or-treating with Chad, Mikkele, and Jenna. Specifically, shouting "HALLOWEEN HAPPINESS!" in a terrible old lady voice. 

  • My eighth grade Algebra teacher telling me to pack up my bag and go to the office because my parents were there to take me to Disneyland and the subsequent writhing jealousy that emanated from my classmates.
  • And, of course, this:

My mom mentioned that it probably wouldn't all be happy memories flooding into one's brain. I agree, but I hope we're wrong.

What would you see?


  1. - I hope you don't picture your Tanzanian children talking about the "lake of fire" if your life flashes before your eyes (I know you won't be going to that place, but it's still not something you'd want to think of if you're in that situation.)
    - I'm pretty sure that particular Denny's night was also the one when we told Daddy, "We should be home by midnight," and he said, "Why don't you make it 12:30? Just in case you're running late."
    - I forgot how much I loved those summer days at the Porter's house! I would always think how much fun it was to hang out with our family while we were over there.
    - I still add "happiness" to the end of birthdays and holidays because of you on that Halloween night. Lighthouse Day Happiness to all, by the way!

    1. -hahaha
      -you're right!
      -yes, i looooved the porters. a favorite moment of mine was begging mudder to come swimming and she didn't have her own suit so she borrowed one from grandma that was approximately five sizes too big.
      -lighthouse day happiness to you, too!

      i would like you to blog your own list please, sissy!

    2. Ooh, okay! I'm always in need of blog ideas and this would be a fun one to write.

  2. what a fun list!

    i think people should make their own lists and if they have their own blogs, post their links here in the comments!

    1. i agree, zoe! also, i recommend this as an exercise in gratitude. i thought of countless other joyful moments but decided to limit my list, which was just a reminder of how i've been crazy blessed throughout my life.
