Tuesday, July 31, 2012

five goals for the next three months

I'm obviously still having trouble finding time to do things, like write. I continue to be distracted by television, constantly perfect weather, good friends, my awesome family. It's a rough life, people.
How can one write when weird stuff like this is going down?
But seriously, I long for motivation to accomplish things outside all of my summer frivolity and everyday work. So here's my syllabus for the next three months, for which you all should keep me accountable:

Make FIVE phone or skype calls to keep in touch with long distance pals.

Have FOUR new anything once experiences.

Write THREE posts per week.

Complete TWO works - hopefully finish the play I've started and write a children's book or even just a poem.

Move into ONE apartment, for goodness sake.

Feel free to place bets on what I will or will not finish. More importantly, feel free to harass me about these goals. I'll need the push.


  1. I totally volunteer to help you fulfill one of your skype sessions. I can take you on a tour of the nursery! :) I'm magnanimous.

  2. With these phone or skype calls, is it 5 within 3 months or 5 people per week? Because if it's just 5 calls in the next 3 months, then you're going to need to teach your daughter how to answer/dial skype on a more regular basis than you. Yay for 3 posts per week and I'm totally willing to harass you about that one. 1 apartment will happen, I'm completely positive on that one!

    1. it's 5 within three months, but you'll note that i said "keep in touch with long distance pals." while you are a pal, you don't really count. 5 phone/skype calls in addition to all the skype calls i'll make with my sister and BIL just didn't flow. :)

    2. Phew! I will accept that.

  3. Great list. Yay! One easy regular post (monthly?) could be updating us on your progress, revising or making excuses as needed ;)

  4. I'll volunteer to do illustrations for your kid book. I can draw lots of things and a few of them well! ;)

  5. I nominate myself to be one of the calls/skype sessions. See what I did there?

  6. when you get your iphone i vote we facetime, even though we're not long distance anymore. also, i don't think you're going to do 3 posts a week. also i want to be a part of your anything once experiences.
