Wo! It is two-thousand-twelve today people! What up, New Year! How did you get here so fast?
I know that despite the fact that it is New Year's Day, we will still be getting up around 6am, because Sofia has not learned about holidays and sleeping in yet.
On this first day of the week and first day of a new year, I want to start things off by Praising God for His greatness, glory, and first-place in my life, whether I manage to regularly live like that or not. I give this year into His hands, trusting that He will provide and guide us forward, as He has guided us here so far. Blessing, and honor, and glory be to Him forever and ever, Amen.
How are you enjoying this first Sabbath of 2012, Lobsters?
With an amazing worship service at church and a catnap this afternoon and the blessing of a little work to pay off holiday traveling. Wishing I could transplant myself up to Maine for a bit, though, to Sabbath it up with you!