Wednesday, September 7, 2011

i am a morning person

When my references were checked to get my job at Vanguard University, apparently my former roommate Kate was asked about my weaknesses, and she explained that I require a Diet Pepsi to facilitate my humanity each morning. This was accurate. (And resulted in my boss at Vanguard giving me a 12 pack of Diet Pepsi to welcome me to Vanguard on my first day there. Score!)

Early one morning on a trip to Palm Springs a few years ago, my sister, with too much cheer, asked me if the hotel provided a free breakfast. Without thinking, I yelled, "WHY DON'T YOU GO FIND OUT?!"

My sophomore year of college, my next door dorm neighbor liked to sing peppy songs in our restroom while she got ready every morning. I'd walk in, squinty eyed and half asleep, and she'd smile and ask how I was. I'd grunt in return, which was actually quite polite of me since her happiness made me want to yell at her. After a few weeks of this, she asked if I would prefer silence in the morning. I said, "YES."

But recently I've become a morning person. If you are Kate, my sister, or Becky from Armington B308, you might not believe me. So here's proof:


  1. Cruz asked to watch that video three times... lahve?

  2. I'm going to be doing even more replaying than Cruz. I can't wait until Thanksgiving! I love you all! Daddy.

  3. welllll obviously times DO change:) eiley is an inspiration as she welcomes her momma into the wonderful world of mornings... i seem to remember a brown eyed girl i used to drive to school after i had taught an early morning aerobics class who would ask me, "mama, could you please not be so "peppy" in the morning, just don't talk..." least you were polite about it... i love you:) xoxo m

  4. Emily, that video rendered me completely speechless. It's so beautiful.

  5. Oh, I love her. I can't wait to meet her. Move back to CA now!!!!!!!

  6. Don't worry, I believe you're a morning person now because she could get anyone to smile at any hour. Also, I'm pretty sure I added some extra pep when I asked you that question in Palm Springs because I knew how you'd react.

  7. That's funny because Jenna had to deal with my morning b-wordness for an entire year, and she used to comment on it quite frequently. Who knew she had years of morning abuse with you?? Perhaps when I have an adorable small child, I, too, will convert.

    I'll keep you posted.
